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The National Museum of Bulgarian Fine Arts is the biggest and the most impressive in the country. The beginning of the collection is established in 1892 when the art department of the National Archeological Museum was founded. In 1948 a resoluton of the Council of Ministers NMBFA (National Art Gallery) was established as an independent institution. The museum’s collections of the new and contemporary Bulgarian art contain more than 30,000 works. Most completely presented are the painting masterpieces of the greatest Bulgarian masters. Very rich is also the graphics collection. The best achievements of the Bulgarian sculptors of the ХХ century are also present in the museum collection. Samsung has the honor and the pleasure to present to everybody the digitalized treasure house of the Bulgarian fine arts – the National Art Gallery. In a series of updates we will present works of art that have never been exposed to the public. As a starter we chose a collection of watercolors by national prerevival period to the modernists of the XX century. Keep up-to-date with the application since there will be more exciting exhibitions following.