1.How to share a device?
Using the website you can share a findy device from your mobile app.
Go to the devices list.
Select the device you wish to share, click on it and you will see a settings icon in the upper There choose “Share” from the advanced settings list.
In the upper right corner there is an icon +. If you click on it you will be asked to enter the e-mail of the person with whom you will share the device.
After entering the e-mail address, click on the button “Share” and confirm it. Now you have shared your findy device.
You can always un-share it, from the same menu, by sliding on the name of the user and removing him.
2. How to buy a device?
Just go to using a computer or a mobile device.
You will see the button: "Buy now". It will take you to your order.
You can order 1 findy, 100 or more findys, choose a deal for 4 or 10 findys or contact us for a special offer.
Screenshot -
3.What are the delivery expenses?
The delivery will cost you € 10 only, no matter where you are in the world and how much findy devices you order.
4.How to pay?
You can pay by PayPal.
After finishing your order the system will automatically take you to the PayPal log in page, where you can confirm your payment.
Also you can pay by you debit or credit card via PayPal without having a PayPal account.
5.How to register?
If you are new to findy and don’t have registration in our website you have to do it once and
after that you can add as much findy devices to your account as you like. Your account registration have to be done via our website.
You can register after placing your order, or directly from the home page:
From the menu choose “Login” and create your account. You need to provide valid e-mail address, password and contact details.
After submitting that information you will receive a confirmation e-mail.
Now you are free to enjoy the findy on the web and on your mobile.
6.How to send findy to someone else?
You can place an order via your account in our website and give delivery address of the
person to whom you like to send a findy.
Also you can send one of your findys to someone else. In this case you have to transfer it
from your account and give/send the device to the other person.
Transfer the device using the website can easily transfer a device of yours if you go to “My findy” menu in your account.
There choose the findy you wish to transfer, enter the e-mail address of the person to
whom you are giving it and press the button “Transfer”.
Note: You will no longer be able to use the transferred findy. Transfer the device using findy mobile application:Open the devices list on your mobile app. Choose the device you wish to transfer.
Go to settings from the icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
Just below the name and description of your findy there are advanced settings. If you scroll
down you will see a button “Transfer”. Click it and you will be asked to enter the e-mail
address of the person to whom you are transferring the device. Then click on the button
“Transfer” and confirm your action.
Note: You will no longer be able to use the transferred findy. -
7.How to remove device from my list?
Log in to your account, go to “My findy” menu. From the list with your devices choose the
one you wish to remove, then click on “edit”. You will see the settings of the device and
here there is a red button “Remove”. If you click it and confirm that action the device will be
removed from your account. You will no longer be able to use it.
Using findy mobile application:You have to be logged into your mobile application.
There you have a list of devices, with their names and pictures. Choose the findy you want
to remove and click on it.
There is a settings icon in the upper right corner of the screen. If you click it the settings of
the device will appear.
Scroll down and choose “Remove Device”. When you remove the device and confirm it, you will no longer be able to use it.
8.How to change the icon, color, name and description of my device?
Using the website be creative ☺
Go to “My findy” menu on (you have to be logged in to your account there).
There you will find all your devices, if you choose “edit” on one of them you will be able to
change its icon, color, name and description (write a poem, for example).
Change icon
Choose color
Name it
Give a short description
Using findy mobile application:Be the Creator ☺
When you open your mobile application you will find the list of your devices. Choose one of them and open it.
There is a settings icon on the upper right corner. If you click it you will go to the edit menu of the device. Here you can change its icon, color, name and description and then save your new settings.
Change icon
Choose color
Name it
9.How to change my findy device notifications?
You can change your device notifications from your mobile application.Go to your devices list and choose one of them.
When you open it, click on the settings icon in the upper right corner. You will enter into the “Edit” menu.
From the Advanced settings click on “Notifications”. Here you can switch on and off your notifications.
Please, have in mind not to terminate your mobile application in order to have notifications.
If you restart your phone in any reason, have in mind to run findy application.
10.How to turn on the buzzer?
You can turn on the buzzer from your mobile application.Go to findy app. and choose a device from your list. If you click on it a new screen with findy icon will appear. The more color filling the icon, the closer you are to the chosen findy.
In the middle of findy icon there is a speaker symbol. If you click it the device will shout. If you still can’t see what you are looking for click it again, until you find it.
If the findy icon is grey, it means that you are away from your findy device and the buzzer is not active. You need to move around until some color come to fill the icon in the screen.
When you are closer and there is some color, the buzzer becomes active, you can click on it and hear the shout.
A screenshot with the buzzer screen and an arrow to the buzzer.
Please, have in mind not to terminate your mobile application.
Also make sure you give findy app. access to Bluetooth and Location Services.
11.How to find my phone?
When you look at a device of yours in the mobile application you see its name and icon.
Under the findy icon you can switch on and off the function “Use as phone finder”. If you want to be able to find your phone, you have to turn it on.
Screenshot of the screen on the app. where the function “Use as phone finder” is on, and arrow showing that it’s ON.
Then if you have the findy (with turned on function “Use as phone finder”) just press the button on it. Your phone will receive a notification which you will hear.
Also the mobile will receive a message that your findy is looking for it.
Please, have in mind not to terminate your mobile application.
Also make sure you give findy app. access to Bluetooth and Location Services.
If you restart your phone in any reason, have in mind to run findy application.
12.How to find out that I am forgetting my keys?
First check the notification settings on your mobile app. The “Notification on away” have to be switched on.
Screenshot of “Notification on away” – switched on
Now if you are leaving the place and the findy device is staying away it will send a message to your mobile that you might forget your keys.
Please, have in mind not to terminate your mobile application.
Also make sure you give findy app. access to Bluetooth and Location Services.
13.How to set notification when I get close to a device?
First check the notification settings on your mobile app. The “Notification on finding” have to be switched on.
Screenshot of “Notification on finding” – switched on
Now if you are getting close to the device it will send a message to your mobile that you almost find it.
Please, have in mind not to terminate your mobile application.
Also make sure you give findy app. access to Bluetooth and Location Services.
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