( ! ) Warning: mysql_connect(): Headers and client library minor version mismatch. Headers:50560 Library:50644 in /var/www/new/findyShop/system/library/db/mysql.php on line 7
Call Stack
10.0007315840{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0039575392DB->__construct( ).../index.php:31
30.0042597792DB\MySQL->__construct( ).../db.php:9
40.0042598096mysql_connect ( ).../mysql.php:7

Locate your valuables

A helpful device to find valuable stuff.

Could be attached or stored close to anything you would hate to lose.

“Do not forget” notifications to the user smartphone via the mobile application.

Finding your smartphone.

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  • Product Code: findyKey
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 15.00€

  • Ex Tax: 15.00€

Tags: findy, key, cat, dog